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Elena Nicoleta Busoiu
30 sept 20191 Min. de lectura
Poster of the books Rhapsody 2 (English) & Rapsodia 3 (Spanish)
Official poster of RHAPSODY 2 (English) & RAPSDOIA 3 (Spanish) by ELENA NICOLETA BUSOIU.
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Elena Nicoleta Busoiu
30 sept 20191 Min. de lectura
Crying angel
Little poem about a crying angel by ELENA NICOLETA BUSOIU.
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Elena Nicoleta Busoiu
30 sept 20191 Min. de lectura
Story never ends, it will always continue in your heart.
Thanks so much for being by my side during all these years. Means a lot for me. But wait, this is not the end, it is just another beginning
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